Great things come to those who cardio

Originally written on August 4, 2017

This morning I woke up and decided that I was going to do some fasted cardio since I slacked this past week on getting my cardio done. I like doing fasted cardio because it allows your body to work extra hard to target stubborn areas your body just loves to store extra fat (AKA STOMACH AND THIGHS.) I usually do HIIT training for cardio.

For those who don't know HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. Its my favorite form of cardio because it keeps your heart rate moving constantly and its great for burning fat and keeping it off (especially in those stubborn areas)

After my workout I was doing a cool-down and I got a call from someone who had interviewed me the past couple of weeks for an internship! All out of breath I was hesitant to answer the phone because it was from a number I didn't know. I had a feeling it was him so I went with my gut and answered it. Turns out I got the internship, and they said they'd like to hire me part-time starting at the end of this month! I was so happy!!

Good things happen to those who's my HIIT workout for those who want good things to come to them ;)


-2-5 minute warm-up on 2.5 incline
-30 second sprint*
-1 minute off**
-2-5 minute cool down on 2.5 incline

*choose a speed that has you struggling at 20 seconds and push through, I sprint at 8.6 mph currently

**jump on the side of the treadmill and rest for 1 minute


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