How to Brew Your Own Starbucks Iced Coffee… AT HOME!

Originally written on April 16, 2020


Quarantine life. *eye roll* Is Starbucks closed by you? No worries, I got you covered. As we all know, I am obsessed with coffee, and as an ex- Starbucks barista, I think it’s my duty to help during these times. I am here to share some more coffee recipes, but this time not in IGTV form. I didn’t film my experience because I was worried it wasn’t going to turn out. BUUUUT lemme tell ya, I haven’t lost the coffee brewing touch. 

If you’re tired of running out to pick up Starbucks bottled ice coffee on your Target runs, here’s how you can avoid the crowd and brew your own iced coffee in the comfort of your own home! Let’s turn the crib into a coffee cafe!


  • Your favorite ground coffee

  • Coffee pot (I wouldn’t recommend using a keruig, it’s doable, but will take much longer!)

  • Your favorite pitcher

  • A good amount of ice



Step 1: Decide how much you’d like to make. The first time I did this I went in for a whole batch, because, fuck it lol. My coffee pot is capable of making 12 cups of coffee, so I went in and filled my pot up to the 12 cup line. (Tip: I made this on Monday 4/13, it’s now Thursday 4/16 and I’m about half way done with the batch I made. I’ve drank iced coffee every morning since. I’d say 12 cups is a solid amount for a weeks worth of iced coffee)

Step 2: Brew your coffee to your strength preferences. The way I brew my coffee is I go based on cups. So, for this recipe since I made a 12 cup pot. If I were brewing a regular pot of coffee, I would just put 12 (1 TBSP) scoops of coffee in. Since we are making iced coffee, we want to DOUBLE the amount of coffee we put in. For example, I made a 12 cup pot, so I am going to use 24 scoops (24 TBSP) of coffee for iced coffee. This can all be altered to your preference, but no matter how many scoops you make your coffee with, just remember when making iced coffee, to double it.

I’ll tell you why: when brewing iced coffee, you want to double the recipe so you can dilute it once you add ice. This will allow you to get the same level of caffeine you’d normally get in a normal cup of coffee, and still give you a good coffee taste. If you were to add ice to just a single pot of coffee, it would taste extremely watered down after adding ice. This is how we used to brew iced coffee at sbux 

Step 3: Once your coffee is done brewing, pour the coffee into your pitcher. Let cool for about 5-10 minutes. Once the coffee isn’t boiling hot anymore, add the ice. For my recipe, since I made 12 cups, I filled the coffee pot to the 12 cup line with ice. This ended up being 1/2 of the 2 QT pitcher. For whatever pitcher you use, do 1/2 coffee and 1/2 ice. If you’re unsure, start small and go by taste. You could always add more ice if the coffee is too strong or doesn’t taste how you like it!

Step 4: Let the iced coffee sit in the fridge until all the ice is melted and coffee is COLD. If it’s still warm, it’ll water down especially if you add more ice and drink too soon. I waited a full hour before trying it! Then a whole day before I drank a whole cup the next morning.

Step 5: Enjoy!

I’m surprisingly pleased with how this turned out on the first try! It’s been a while since I brewed iced coffee on the reg lol. I don’t think I’ll buy store bought iced coffee for a long time. If you buy a huge container of ground coffee, this could last you months as opposed to spending $6-$7 / week on a bottle of iced coffee at the store. If you decide to try this, let me know how it turns out!

Hope everyone has a great and healthy rest of the week!




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