Reflecting On Life

Originally written on April 4, 2018

Some of you may have seen this post on Instagram, others may have not. If you did, heres the not so Instagram friendly version that was WAY.TOO.LONG. to post on the gram. If you're new, welcome. Before it gets too deep into April, I want to post this long version of my thoughts. I was looking through my notes on my phone and was like...I need this to be in a better place. SO HERE IT IS!

March was a super hard month for me.

Life is a super weird thing, you think you’re comfortable in what you’re doing then boom, life throws you a curve ball and you gotta adjust to something new.

I haven’t been “comfortable” in a few months, and honestly, it started taking over my life. Everything started to become so miserable that I couldn’t go day-to-day without feeling totally down, or totally unmotivated.

I had no idea what was happening, or how this even happened to me. Where was this coming from? I usually was able to snap myself out of anything, but this was super hard to shake.

Sometimes we get SO caught up in the bullshit it seems almost impossible to pay attention to anything else. Negativity consumes us and before we know it we have put ourselves in a place we feel uncomfortable being in and don’t know how to get out.

Luckily, I’m SO fucking blessed to be surrounded by people who love me and care about my well-being. So I’ve spent the past month, moved out of my apartment in Chicago, living back at home trying to get my shit together and getting help being able to get past some of the obstacles adulthood is throwing at me.

It’s super hard for me to share this, but I’ve realized that IT IS OK NOT TO BE OK, and EVERYONE GOES THROUGH THEIR OWN SHIT. I’ve spent this time reflecting on whats important and whats not.

There are a few things I’ve learned this month that I will share with you all. In hopes that if you are also feeling this way, you’ll realize YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

  1. Trust the god damn process. This can be related to not only fitness; but everyday life. Honestly. You have no idea what can come from something that makes you uncomfortable. You get no where staying in your comfort zone. Take that initial step, you will be so happy you did.

  2. Everything happens for a reason. Things work out the way they’re supposed to, this kind of ties in with trust the process. But things may not go exactly how you want, and change may not happen as fast as you’d like it, but in the end everything works out even if it isn’t exactly what you initially planned. Take every opportunity as a chance to learn, and grow from.

  3. Let go of grudges. Just let em go, their not worth it. Do it for YOU, not the other person. Holding onto negative feelings can ruin YOU, not them. Do you think they're thinking of you as much as you're thinking of them? Nope. Let that bad energy go boo. Let it go.

  4. Don’t judge people. Everyone’s going through their own form of bullshit. You have no business butting in, just let them be & don’t take the way they act towards you personally. Be kind & understanding.

  5. Practicing self compassion is the best thing you can do to yourself. You are your own worst enemy. Cut that shit out. Think: What would you tell a friend who was going through the same situation as you? Would you tell them their a failure? Would you tell them they're never going to be good enough? Would you tell them not to move forward? Would you tell them to give up? No. Be kind to yourself!! Cut yourself some slack! Give yourself a hug. Tell yourself you're going to get through it because guess what: you are.

  6. Mental health is IMPORTANT. DO NOT set this aside and pull it out on a rainy day. Being in a good headspace is crucial to everyday life. Don’t discount your well being. Taking care of you is important and you should NEVER feel sorry for putting yourself first.

  7. Family is important. Working on relationships with them can change your life. Be kind to those who love and will do anything for you. They’ve been there since day 1, and they’re not leaving your side no matter how difficult they may be.

  8. Negativity sucks the fucking life out of you, and its hard to recognize when you’re in a negative place, but luckily, it can and WILL be overcome. Don't add flame to the fire. Catch yourself being negative, ride it out, don't judge, and move on. This also relates to negative people. Holding onto toxic relationships can literally drain you. If you find yourself exhausted after dealing with a person, it's time to let them go. They're sucking too much out of you for them to be in your life. Set your limits. Know your boundaries. Bye bae.

  9. Finding like-minded people is TRULY a blessing. Positivity attracts. What you put out there is what you will get. Finding people who motivate you and believe in you no matter what automatically can raise your spirits. Find those people and don't let them go. They are going to be the ones who push you forward to keep going. So keep going.

  10. Be mindful. Anxiety is something I know everyone experiences. We don’t always all experience it in the same way. But the most important thing is to be present and take on whatever is thrown at you in the current moment. Don’t think of tomorrow, or next week. Think of now. Practicing mindfulness is something that can help you in everyday situations. There are so many ways you can do this. One of my favorite things to do is writing. I love to write, whether its creating a long instagram post, writing in this blog, or just writing down my thoughts on paper, it is something that helps bring me back to the current moment and live for it. Not freak out.

Sorry for rambling, this has been a post I’ve been thinking about writing for a while. With that, I’ll leave you with this quote: “Your current situation is not the final destination, the best is yet to come.”


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