The Good Ol’ Days

Originally written on January 22, 2018

Damn, hey.

It’s been like…4 months? The past four months have been so busy, and during that time I got super busy with work, I graduated college, traveled, and started a second internship. Plus, personal stuff, the holidays and the new year, things were super crazy and I didn’t make my blog priority at all. Since it is the new year I’ve decided that I want to pick up blogging again, so prepare yourself for another long post. I’m currently still working at LA Fitness part-time, and searching for a full-time job.

No one prepared me for how dang stressful graduating college is. For those who don’t know, I went to school for Marketing, and I recently graduated in November. Since school ended, I have been relatively depressed… actually like, really sad. For basically my entire life, I have identified as a student and right now I am at this weird place where I have NO CLUE WHAT THE HELL I AM DOING. It’s like “hi, who are you and what do you do?” and I’m like….uh….good question….let me get back to you on that. I definitely took being a student for granted. While I was in school every day, I was wishing I was out, and now everyday I’m wishing I was back in.

For a while, I looked at not knowing what I wanted as a negative thing, and focused on what MORE I could have done rather than focusing on what I have accomplished thus far. Not having a full-time, salary-paying job straight out of college is something that every college student literally dreads, and guess what… I’m living it.

Am I stressed? Yes. But will I be ok? Yes. Instead of freaking out 90% of the time, I cut that to about 45%, and I am trying to enjoy having time off, doing what I want to do and enjoying it, rather than hating every minute of it. After college, I had the opportunity to party, travel, and do whatever I wanted without having to take a day off, or ask for permission. Not only that, but I have all the time in the world (maybe just a little too much time) to look for a full-time job I am genuinely passionate about, work on my fitness goals, and work on finally cleaning under my bed. Basically just work on things I didn’t have a chance to work on when I was working full-time and going to school.

The thing is, (and I know I’m not the only one) sometimes, it’s hard to appreciate what we have until we look back and think “damn, I had it good.” By then, by the time we’re looking back and reflecting that moment is gone, and instead of enjoying it for what is was worth, we made ourselves miserable the whole time thinking about “what more” we could have done or obsessed about what was next.

The Office - I'm not gonna cry over it_.jpeg

Last night, I finished watching the office *sobs* and the Nard-Dog said it the absolute best and I connected to that quote on a spiritual level. BECAUSE LIFE. BECAUSE SAME.

“I spent so much of my time here at Dunder Mifflin, thinking about my old pals, my college acapella group. The weird thing is, now I’m exactly where I want to be, I got my dream job, at Cornell, and I’m still just thinkin’ about my old pals, only now they’re the ones I made here, I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good ol’ days, before you’ve actually left them… someone should write a song about that…”

If you’re anything like me, you’ll find that living in the moment is impossible. I constantly want more than what I already have, and mistake down time for unhappiness. I never reward myself for accomplishing all the goals I make, rather I focus on the next goal and keep moving. Like Andy, after getting to “where I want to be,” I reflect on the process and always wish I enjoyed it more. So right now, instead of freaking out about what’s next, or freaking out about having NO IDEA WHAT I’M DOING, I’m going to enjoy it, because isn’t that what being an adult is all about? No one knows what’s next, and life can and will spin you in circles and push you through obstacles you’re literally not prepared for. But instead of focusing on that being a bad thing, think of it as an exciting challenge that pushes you to keep going.

Where am I getting with this? I’m not quite sure. But hopefully it’s motivation for not only me, but for those who are reading this to sit back, and enjoy the good ol’ days, because truthfully, you’re never going to get that time back. So, stop stressing and enjoy it. Because next week you might be looking back at today thinkin’ about the “good ol’ days”. Be happy for what you have no matter what it is.

So yeah, that’s my come back post. #iconic.


Reflecting On Life


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