Health(ier) Starbucks Drink Options

Originally written on August 31, 2017


If you know me at all, you’ll know that a post like this was bound to come. For years I have been a huge Starbucks nerd, I’m obsessed with Starbucks and coffee in general, and as a former Starbucks barista, I feel as if its still my job to spread my coffee knowledge.

This post was inspired by a comment I left on a fitness vlogger’s video. He had asked viewers if ordering a White Mocha was “good” for him, and it triggered my inner Starbucks nerd. I left a comment saying it wasn’t and others had responded to my comment asking what better alternatives there were……………hence this post.

Working at Starbucks for years, I know all the ins and outs of whats good and what isn’t especially when it comes to healthy drink options. When I first started working there I gained SO much weight because I was OBSESSED with Frappuccinos, Mochas and LEMON POUND CAKE!!! (YAAAS)

After years of learning, I have become a huge believer in not drinking your calories, and learned that its totally possible to get jacked up on coffee without all the frills and extra calories. Starbucks is really tricky when it comes to some drinks because some of their standard recipes include a lot of sugar and specific types of milk, so what you think is good for you, may not be, and trust me it is really easy to get hooked on a drink and 10 pounds later be like WTF?!??!?!?!?!?

Therefore, based on experience (and my own preferences) I have come up with a list of healthy Starbucks options for those who LOVE caffeine like I do, but also want to keep the calorie count to a minimum!!

But first…


  1. ANY Frappuccino: They’re not healthy, period. Some contain over 500 calories (thats over 30 minutes on the treadmill, just don’t do it to yourself!!) There is SO much sugar and milk that goes into Frappuccinos its ridiculous, and the amount of caffeine in one is so minuscule its not even worth it. Not to mention the whip cream alone is probably 4382957392487 calories. Yes, they’re delicious and as a treat of course its okay to have one every once in a while, but if you find yourself ordering a venti caramel frappuccino every morning before work to get your “caffeine fix,” just stop and order a water, your body will thank you.

  2. Flavored Caffe Lattes: You may love your vanilla lattes in the morning, but the standard milk for any latte is 2% milk, and no matter what size you get the MAIN part of a latte is milk (NOT caffeine.) So on top of milk and syrup, you’re lookin at about 200+ calories. A healthier alternative that I’ve come up with for those who love creamy lattes is a cafe Americano with steamed milk of your choice! You’ll still be getting the milk consistency but about half the calories. 

  3. Mochas (both “skinny” and regular): Regular and White Mochas have SO much sugar in them and depending on your order can be over 300 calories. A standard grande mocha is 360 calories with 35g of sugar and a standard grande White Mocha  is 430 calories with 53g of sugar!! Keep in mind that every flavor Starbucks offers is essentially a syrup, so for example if you’re ordering a grande peppermint mocha you’re getting 8 pumps of sugar total ON TOP of steamed 2% milk AND whip cream….thats crazy, and equivalent to a whole meal, don’t do it, please. A healthier alternative that I’ve come up with for those who can’t escape the chocolatey goodness is an iced or hot regular coffee with your preference of milk and half the pumps of chocolate. Mocha syrup is very thick, so one or two pumps will be just right, I promise!


  1. Caffe Americano (Hot/Iced): All time favorite Starbucks drink. Period. Americano’s are my go-to Starbucks drink and I hype them up so heavy because the drink is literally espresso and water. Thats it. You can add some specifications to it and its still under 100 calories. My go-to way of making Americanos is to steam a little bit of cream and add 2 pumps of hazelnut and cinnamon. It tastes like a bath and body works candle smells, you’re welcome.
    Calories: 15
    Total Fat: 0g
    Cholesterol: 0mg
    Sodium: 15mg
    Carbohydrates: 3g
    Protein: 1g
    Caffeine: 225mg

  2. Iced Coffee: You can’t go wrong with a plain iced coffee. Starbucks iced coffee is cool because it is made strong enough that even watered down by ice still has 100+ mg of caffeine (depending on the size.) Starbucks’ standard for iced coffee comes sweetened, so if you’re looking for less calories be sure to order it unsweetened. I really only drink iced coffee if it is too hot for an Americano, and I like to substitute the sweetener for 2 pumps of the hazelnut syrup and a little cream and cinnamon powder (which is still under 100 calories).
    Calories: 80
    Total Fat: 0g
    Cholesterol: 0mg
    Sodium: 10mg
    Carbohydrates: 20g
    Protein: 0g
    Caffeine: 165mg

  3. Nitro Cold Brew: Cold brew is crazy, if you can’t handle a lot of caffeine this drink is NOT for you. However, it is a great low cal option for those who want a fast pick-me-up. Cold Brew is great because it comes unsweetened and black, so you can add anything you’d like to it and it still won’t add on too many calories.
    Calories: 5
    Total Fat: 0g
    Cholesterol: 0mg
    Sodium: 10mg
    Carbohydrates: 0g
    Protein: 0g
    Caffeine: 280mg

  4. Iced Skinny Vanilla Latte: For those who just can’t get away from lattes, luckily Starbucks offers a skinny version of most of their lattes. Skinny lattes are primarily made with sugar-free sweetener and nonfat milk. This is a way better alternative than a regular latte if you still want something that is primarily milk based.
    Calories: 80
    Total Fat: 0g
    Cholesterol: 5mg
    Sodium: 110mg
    Carbohydrates: 12g
    Protein: 7g
    Caffeine: 150mg

  5. Jade Citrus Mint Green Tea: Any kind of green tea is a great alternative for those who want caffeine but don’t like coffee. Green tea tastes so good by itself and Jade Citrus is by far my personal favorite. Starbucks also offers an iced green tea option, but be warned the standard recipe comes sweetened, so if you want less calories and want a green iced tea, be sure to order it unsweetened!
    Calories: 0
    Total Fat: 0g
    Cholesterol: 0mg
    Sodium: 0mg
    Carbohydrates: 0g
    Protein: 0g
    Caffeine: 40mg

** All of the nutrition information is based on Starbucks’ standard recipe for a GRANDE size drink. All drinks can be altered to your preference. It is important to note that subtracting sugars and milks will obviously be the healthier option.

I hope you enjoyed this post and it inspired you to go out and try something new! If it did please be sure to like and leave a comment!

P.s. its eSpresso, not eXpresso. Ok bye.


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